The fragile natural environment in some popular locations has recently felt the pressure of an increase in visitor numbers. These pristine places need a helping hand to ensure that they remain so. 

Our idea was to close for maintenance and open for voluntourism over one weekend in April 2019, where eleven popular tourist sites will be closed for regular tourists but open for voluntourists. The then Faroes’ Prime Minister, Aksel V. Johannesen, joined the campaign by inviting volunteers to lend a helping hand. The initiative was successful and well received so we decided to repeat and expand every year.

The campaign works with municipalities and tourism offices across the country and involves locals to identify areas in need to preserve the infrastructure which would pave the way for a sustainable future for the islands.


All you need to do to participate is to sign up and buy your plane ticket to the Faroe Islands (note that you must pay for your flights to/from the Faroes through our partner, 62N, in our registration process). We will take care of the rest, including accommodation, food, and transport during the maintenance period.

We hope you will come and help us maintain the Faroe Islands in April.

“We were very interested in taking part in regenerative tourism, which is leaving behind a contribution like all the volunteers are doing here at Closed for Maintenance, so not just to come as a consumer but instead to come and leave something behind.” - explains Geraldine Boland, 2022 volunteer from Ireland