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Fishing with Blástein

Go fishing with Blástein and experience unforgettable sea angling in the Faroe Islands

Fishing in the Faroe Islands is unlike anything you have experienced before; the beautiful scenery and splendid tranquillity make fishing a truly extraordinary experience.

Fishing with Blástein offer great fishing tours by boat every day between 1 June and 1 September. Not only will you get to fish from a boat, but you’ll also experience beautiful scenery from the sea; you’ll see things you would never be able to see from land.

The boat has a capacity for 12 people and you can either book half- or full-day trips.

Halfday trips are every day at 0930 or 1430, call the captain for available seats.

Half day fishing tour costs DKK 500,- per person.

Full day fishing tour costs DKK 950,- per person.

Full day fishing tour costs for a private boat DKK 7000,-.

Included in all prices are flotation suits (s-xxxl), boots (42-47) and fishing gear.

Check Fishing with Blástein’s website for more information and packages.


The Faroe Islands are synonymous with fish. Whether by boat or from shore, there are plenty of opportunities to fish in the Faroe Islands. With the ocean never further than 5 km away – no matter where you’re located – it is effortless to grab a rod and go fishing whenever you want.

The Faroe Islands have good fishing areas and sheltered fishing grounds away from strong winds, making it possible to fish most days regardless of wind direction.


