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The lighthouse of the islet of Mykineshólmur

  • The lighthouse of the islet of Mykineshólmur. Image by Sóley Kerlok 2023.

CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC - The lighthouse was built in 1909.

In 1909, a lighthouse was built on the islet of Mykineshólmur. In addition to aiding ships navigating the waters, it also became a weather station, measuring temperatures and wind speeds. Alongside the lighthouse, a house was built for the lighthouse keeper. In the 1930's two more houses were built there, after which a community of up to 25 people lived on the islet, and even children were born there. During the winter, the children would be schooled at home, but during the summer they would hike back to the village to go to school. The area around the houses was used to keep a milking cow and chicken. On top of lighthouse duties, the staff would also occationally hold tasks for the University of Copenhagen, where they would observe the Northern Lights.
During World War II, this was a dangerous and exposed occupation because German planes often attacked the lighthouse. On the slope, about 200 metres from the lighthouse, are the remains of the old shelters that the families used during the bombings.
In 1970, the lighthouse became fully automated and therefore the job as lighthouse keeper on Mykineshólmur was made redundant and the last people left around this time.
These days, only one house remains on the islet. One can will still see the three blinks every 20 seconds coming from the lighthouse.

During the construction of the lighthouse in 1909, the first bridge was built to Mykineshólmur.

It is not possible to hike to Mykineshólmur and the lighthouse as it is closed to the public.





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